
Stuff I think about and decide it's coherent enough to share with the world. Mostly things I've learnt through work, life, or a combination of the two.

Nov 06 2021
Improv, Psychology

Since this is my first post talking about improv, I'm going to explain what improv is for a bit. If you're familiar with improv, feel free…

Oct 12 2021

This is a custom description for SEO and Open Graph purposes, rather than the default generated excerpt. Simply add a description field to the frontmatter.

Oct 09 2021

This is a custom description for SEO and Open Graph purposes, rather than the default generated excerpt. Simply add a description field to the frontmatter.

Apr 17 2020
Development, Product Management

Note: I am not naming this company because I do not wish to be harassed by the owners of the company, as they have done more for talking…

© 2023, Parag Bhatnagar